Blue Cross Expands Access to Mental Health Professionals

Blue Daily
| 2 min read

Responding to the need for mental health professionals, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has added more than 2,000 licensed therapists to its nationwide network through AbleTo, a virtual behavioral health provider.
Blue Cross and Blue Care Network members aged 18 and older with behavioral health coverage are able to access AbleTo providers with little to no additional charge. The AbleTo platform offers an eight-week Cognitive Behavioral Therapy program, working with a dedicated provider on a personalized treatment program. Providers are available in all 50 states.
Sessions are conducted virtually through phone or video calls that are scheduled at the member’s preference. In between weekly sessions, members will have access to digital tools and resources to support their progress. If more intensive treatment or evaluation for medication is needed, members will be referred to an in-network provider.
Blue Cross and BCN members can learn more about scheduling an appointment through AbleTo by visiting
The importance of virtual behavioral health
Mental health providers are scarce in parts of Michigan and across the U.S. In areas where there are providers, it can be difficult to fit in an in-person appointment into a busy schedule. Virtual behavioral health care removes accessibility and availability barriers for many individuals in getting help for their mental health.
Currently, virtual behavioral health visits account for 70% of the virtual visits Blue Cross members use.
Expanding access in-person
Increasing access to behavioral health care is a priority for Blue Cross. We are working with our provider partners to make it easier for people to get their needs addressed by coordinating behavioral health care through the Patient-Centered Medical Home primary care practice.This expanded recently to pediatric patients, where there’s a shortage of pediatric behavioral health providers and growing behavioral health concerns among the patient population. Blue Cross is also launching new care options for behavioral health crisis services.
Our goal at Blue Cross is to help members get the right care, at the right time, in the right place.
Photo credit: Getty Images
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Medically Reviewed by: Dr. William Beecroft, M.D.