11 Years, Thousands of Miles, Endless Impact: Thank you, Stafford

Karly Hurley

| 1 min read

Outdoor billboard that displays a photo of Matthew Stafford with text saying thank you.
As Matthew Stafford’s time in Detroit draws to a close, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan would like to thank Matthew for his partnership over the last 11 years. We’ve traveled thousands of miles across the state together, visiting several schools and equipping thousands of children with the inspiration and tools to lead healthy lives.
Through school assemblies and our #MIKidsCan initiative, Matthew has impacted many families with his strong message of the importance of exercise and healthy eating habits. Matthew and his family’s commitment have been evident throughout their time in Michigan.
On February 11, in a final tribute to Detroiters, Matthew and Kelly announced a pledge of $1 million to SAY Play’s campaign to build a new state of the art education center at Lipke Park in Detroit. The 20,000-square-foot facility will include six classrooms, learning labs, vocational training space and a theater/auditorium, allowing SAY Detroit, founded by Mitch Albom in 2006, to expand its services and house a growing and diverse range of programming for kids, teens and adults. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is also proud to join the Staffords in making a $150,000 contribution to the campaign. Matthew, you have made an indelible mark here in Michigan and we will always welcome you home.
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association