The state of Michigan has seen a rapid rise in COVID-19 cases this spring. According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), this is due, in part, to the presence of more infectious variants, such as the B 1.1.7 variant. No one wants to go back to a point where our economy and health systems are once again under the strain of uncontrolled spread, so every resident has an active role to play, even if you have already been vaccinated. All Michigan residents need to continue preventative measures such as wearing masks properly, social distancing, and handwashing to reduce the spread of the virus in our communities. Even as vaccines are being administered, this is important, so that the state can safely reopen while reducing public health risk. The MDHHS is continuing to monitor the data including three key metrics: case rates, percent positivity, and hospitalizations. Here are some other tips to remember:
- Continue to mask up, wash your hands, social distance, get tested and get vaccinated as soon as it is available to you.
- Get tested and quarantine for 14 days if you’ve been exposed or are experiencing symptoms and have not yet been fully vaccinated.
- Sign up for the vaccine. As of April 5, all Michigan residents 16 and up are eligible.
Let’s all work together to spread hope, not COVID-19. Related: