Why Millennials Are Choosing Blue Cross Health Plans During Open Enrollment


| 2 min read

Millennials do a lot of things differently compared to the rest of society, from embracing new technologies to redefining work-life balances. Most notably, millennials have a different expectation of what it means to be healthy. They tend to have a stronger commitment to living a healthy, active lifestyle and eating well as part of their lifestyle. On top of that, they know that living a healthy life means having good health insurance. Think you can’t afford health insurance? A 2014 survey conducted by Deloitte found that two-thirds of millennials said they didn’t sign up because they couldn’t afford it. But the reality is you can’t afford not to have it. Health insurance protects you from unexpected hospital costs in the event of an illness or accident. Without health insurance, you’re putting your health, livelihood and lifestyle at risk. If you don’t receive insurance through an employer, you’ll likely have to buy your own plan during a window of time called “open enrollment.” This is the yearly period when individuals like you can enroll in a health insurance plan. For 2016 coverage, the Open Enrollment Period is November 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016. This is also the time of year when you can check if you are eligible for a subsidy to help pay for your health care coverage. Blue Cross plans offer you lots of perks like access to wellness benefits, a 24/7 Nurse Line and other added features for around-the-clock care. You also get local and national savings on things like gym memberships and daily discounts from companies like Weight Watchers and Door-to-Door Organics. By visiting bcbsm.com/myblue, you’ll be able to browse the 2016 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan plans and find one that works for you. All of the Blue Cross plans that are available in the marketplace also provide 100 percent coverage for preventive care to help you stay healthy. This includes vaccinations, screenings and wellness appointments with your coverage. And don't think that just because you're healthy now means you don't need health insurance. Here's why that's a myth:
We know picking a health plan can be overwhelming and confusing, but we’re here to help. Visit www.bcbsm.com/myblue or call a Health Plan Advisor at 1-888-889-4931 to get a better understanding of your needs and which plan will help you stay healthy. Want to learn more about open enrollment? Read these blogs:
Photo credit: Kevin Dooley
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association