How to Set Well-Being Goals for Your Company

Zach Micklea

| 2 min read

Man meeting with his team on webcam
A new year means another opportunity to try something new that will enhance your company’s culture of well-being. Stress in the workplace is normal and, in moderation, can be a good thing. People with a healthy level of stress can experience a boost in energy and be motivated to beat challenges in life. When stress becomes too much, productivity and morale fall by the wayside. You may be unknowingly making it more difficult for your employees to manage stress by allowing too many distractions or overwhelming employees with heavy workloads. However, by investing in programs to improve your employees’ health and well-being can make sure you are minimizing stress in the workplace. When it comes to mental well-being, it is important to lead by example so your employees see the importance of focusing on mental health and well-being. Here are some activities you can try:
  • Conduct mental health check-ins that include asking employees how they are doing.
  • Encourage mindfulness by offering breathing and meditation opportunities.
  • Promote the value of sleep to encourage rest and recovery.
In the winter, people tend to stay inside more and turn to comfort food. Many find it especially true this year as some things are still on lockdown during the pandemic. To offset this, consider the following for your company:
  • Promote team-based or personal challenges around nutrition and exercise.
  • Go beyond the step count to encourage things such as strength training and stretching.
Things might still look different in 2021 as in-person gatherings will still take time to be possible again. Since social and community well-being are so important to overall health, you can:
  • Offer topic-specific discussion boards and groups.
  • Host virtual meetings with cameras on so people can see each other.
  • Conduct virtual team-building events.
  • Create opportunities to give.
No matter how you choose to begin 2021, put your employees first, and think outside the box to offer new and innovative ideas that support them. Want to learn more about how to set company well-being goals for the new year? Join this Blue Cross® Virtual Well-Being webinar to discuss ideas to address employee well-being through physical, behavioral, community, social and financial well-being. You can also sign up for future employer-focused and general interest webinars here, where you’ll also find past sessions and resources. Related:
Photo credit: vgajic
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