As Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan communicates with our nearly 200,000 Legacy Medigap members about rate changes that are coming January 1, 2017, there are many places for members and their families to turn for information and assistance. Blue Cross – We are committed to helping Legacy Medigap members understand the changes that are happening, and the options they have in front of them.
- We have sent our members two comprehensive letters outlining the reasons for this change. The first contained a guidebook called “Making the Most of Medicare.” The second letter included a special phone number for members to call for guidance and support.
- We have posted a number of blog articles to help supplement the information from our letters. People should check them out at mibluesperspectives.com
- Blue Cross offers helpful information online at bcbsm.com. Search for “Medicare.”
Michigan Health Endowment Fund – The nonprofit that is supported by a commitment of $1.56 billion from Blue Cross is now responsible for providing subsidies to lower-income Michigan residents who select Medigap plans as their coverage choice.
- Medicare-eligible people whose annual household incomes (adjusted gross income) are below $26,730 for an individual or $36,045 for a couple can qualify for a Medigap subsidy. Apply online at michiganmedigapsubsidy.com or call 1-866-824-9772, Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Insurance Agents – Independent insurance agents in Michigan are a knowledgeable resource for people examining their options for health coverage. They are located in Michigan communities and know the Medicare marketplace. Eldercare Locator – This organization links those who need assistance with state and local Area Agencies on Aging and community-based organizations that serve older adults and their caregivers. For more information, visit www.eldercare.gov or call 1-800-677-1116 (TTY users call 711), Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Medicare Medicaid Assistance Program (MMAP), Inc. – This is a free counseling service that aims to educate, counsel and empower Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers so they can make informed health benefit decisions. Visit MMAP online at www.mmapinc.org. To speak with an MMAP counselor, call: 1-800-803-7174 (TTY users call 711), Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.