Love in Action Provides Holistic Care to Community Members in Need

Lindsay Knake

| 4 min read

Lindsay Knake is a brand journalist for Blue Cross B...

At Love in Action, listening and providing holistic care to people in need is essential for the entire community.
“Love in Action is a community response to a community need,” said Jody Buttery, director of clinics. “We wrap our arms around people in the community who need help.”
Love in Action, which is based in Grand Haven, is a faith-based ministry comprised of six areas:
  • Community Care Hub
  • Sheltered Housing Program
  • Food Distribution and Donation Center
  • Upscale Resale Stores
  • Community Co-op
  • Free Medical and Dental Center
In 2024, Love in Action provided care to 1,500 patients and made 2,425 referrals to external providers. The staff also had 26,500 pantry, garden, market and meal encounters.
The Free Medical and Dental Center provides basic medical and dental services, including chronic disease management, and referrals to the uninsured and underinsured members of the community. The Medical Center often treats patients for hypertension, diabetes and mental health conditions, Buttery said. Staff can make referrals to local physicians and specialists, including dermatologists, physical therapists, podiatrists and psychiatrists.
At the Dental Center, staff and volunteers provide basic dental care including cleaning, fillings, crowns, x-rays and extractions. Four dentists and four hygienists practice on site, and Love in Action has 10 dentists in the network guests can see for free. Staff members make referrals to area dentists and specialists when appropriate.
Staff and volunteers also offer medical and dental education to empower guests of Love in Action to manage their own health.
“We provide whole person care,” Buttery said. “We are a safety net clinic, but we like to catch, care and release. We may be a medical home for a while, but our goal is to move them forward. Another goal is that people learn how to better understand and manage their conditions.”
Buttery recalled a recent success story. Last year, an individual came to the Love in Action Community Care team about housing, and a staff member noted the individual also had medical and dental needs. The Love in Action team listened to the individual’s story, helped them with health care referrals and managed dental needs. Buttery said the individual shared with staff members that this was a wakeup call to reconcile with family and move on a path toward healing.
“When people become part of the solution, it really changes them and helps the whole the community. Free clinics are an essential part of the medical system. It’s vital. We need each other,” she said.
Love in Action offers shelter and works with guests to determine the factors that lead them to a loss of housing. Love in Action also offers affordable housing.
The Food Distribution and Donation Center handles all donations that comes into the ministry, which include clothing and furniture for the Upscale Resale Shops. The resale shops, which is Love in Action’s second largest funding source after individual donations, are open to everyone. Guests of the Sheltered Housing Program can volunteer at the stores as part of the job readiness program, Buttery said.
The newest part of Love in Action is the Community Co-op, which offers educational classes such as financial fitness and houses a marketplace where members can shop for food.
Love in Action has fewer than 40 staff members and approximately 400 volunteers each month within all departments. As many as 1,000 different people volunteer with the ministry each year.
“It really is a community effort. Connecting community is where change happens,” Buttery said. “Volunteers say, ‘this helps me.’ Giving makes us better.”
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has awarded Love in Action $275,000 in Strengthening the Safety Net grants since 2013. Medical and dental centers like Love in Action that treat uninsured and underinsured Michiganians help to keep people out of the emergency room and keep health care costs lower for everyone. The Blue Cross grants help Love in Action cover operational costs and volunteer management.
“Blue Cross funds have been remarkably helpful. Each dollar is multiplied as caring, skilled community members become part of the solution helping others heal. That looks like teeth being fixed, coming out of pain, being able to give back in the community and providing hope," Buttery said. "We’ve seen saved lives through the help here. Life change is not quantifiable. Blue Cross’s support helps us continue doing the things that gets into the community reach. People really do feel cared for.”
Image: Courtesy of Love in Action
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association