Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Illuminates Downtown Detroit Headquarters to Honor Congressman John Dingell


| 2 min read

Lights on side of Blue Cross building
DETROIT, Feb. 11, 2019 – In a tribute to the late Congressman John Dingell, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has illuminated its 21-story office tower on East Lafayette in downtown Detroit with a ten-story-high white light display with the initials “J D.” The lights become visible at dusk on the building’s north side. “Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is lighting our building to honor the life and legacy of John Dingell, a Michigan icon and champion for our state and nation,” said Daniel J. Loepp, Blue Cross president and CEO. “For his entire career, Congressman Dingell fought on behalf of Michigan residents and all Americans. He had a firm belief that everyone should have access to health care. He served as a respected policymaker, a champion for honesty and ethics and was a history maker who led through collaboration.” In a tradition that dates back for more than 30 years, BCBSM illuminates its headquarters regularly to commemorate community milestones and health-related events. A red heart is lit in LED lights each February to recognize American Heart Month and encourage prevention of heart disease – and the heart remains on display on the building’s south side. The building will remain lit in symbolic tribute to Congressman Dingell through the end of February. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is a nonprofit mutual corporation and an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association