Blue Care Network of Michigan Partners with SE Michigan Providers to Offer New Local HMO Network Option for 2023 Individual and Medicare Enrollment
Brianna Neace
| 4 min read

DETROIT, Dec. 5, 2022 – Blue Care Network of Michigan is providing more health plan options for members through a new, Local HMO network offering in partnership with Ascension Michigan, Trinity Health and three physician organizations including MedNetOne Health Solutions, Oakland Southfield Physicians and United Physicians. These new options will be available for 2023 individual and Medicare enrollment for Michigan residents in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties. Current members and those interested can choose to receive care from doctors within either of the two networks which come with lower premiums, copays, deductibles and enhanced benefits. Combined, the two networks will provide access to 12 local hospitals and more than 1,050 primary care providers.
For individual members, the Blue Cross Local HMO is offered in eight plans, four silver-level and four bronze-level individual and family plans. These plans will feature the lowest premiums in the individual plan portfolio. Blue Cross Local HMO covers the following benefits, among others, at 100%:
- Annual physical and Well-care visits for children
- Blue Cross Online VisitsSM
- Blue Cross Personalized MedicineSM
- Maternity Program
- Livongo® Whole Person Solutions
- Immunizations
“Convenience is a big value-add for many of our members, especially those with children, and having a more streamlined network of providers within a local, concentrated area is a great fit for those who like to receive care close to home,” said Rick Notter, vice president of Individual Business at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. “These plans provide several great options for individuals and families to adjust coverage to their specific needs, while still being able to take advantage of the lower costs and convenience offered by our new localized network offerings.”
For Medicare members, BCN Advantage Local HMO is the plan offered within the new localized network. This plan will feature lower copays, reduced deductibles and enhanced benefits. BCN Advantage Local HMO covers the following benefits, among others, at 100%:
- $0 monthly premium with a $0 medical deductible
- $0 copays for primary care provider visits
- $20 in-network individual or group mental health therapy copays
- $85/quarter allowance for over-the-counter items
- Annual wellness visit transportation
- Nationwide access to SilverSneakers® fitness
“We recognize many of our Medicare members are on fixed incomes and really value the predictability of their health care costs year-over-year,” said Krischa Winright, executive vice president of Senior Health Services at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. “Oftentimes, members are already seeing physicians and specialists within their general region, so providing this option is a great way to help our Medicare members save more money, while still receiving quality care they can count on.”
Members who reside within these counties and are interested in participating, must select a primary care physician within the local networks of Ascension Michigan or Trinity Health. The member’s primary care physician would then coordinate care with specialists and hospitals within the network and manage referrals outside the network, if medically necessary.
For more information on the BCN Advantage Local HMO visit or call 1-888-563-3307 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., with weekend hours Oct. 1 through March 31. TTY users call 711. To learn more about the Blue Cross Local HMO, visit
Medicare Plus BlueSM, BCN AdvantageSM and Prescription BlueSM are PPO, HMO-POS, HMO and PDP plans with Medicare contracts. Enrollment in Medicare Plus Blue, BCN Advantage and Prescription Blue depends on contract renewal. This information is not a complete description of benefits. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit mutual insurance company, is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. BCBSM provides health benefits to more than 4.7 million members residing in Michigan in addition to employees of Michigan-headquartered companies residing outside the state. The company has been committed to delivering affordable health care products through a broad variety of plans for businesses, individuals and seniors for 80 years. Beyond health care coverage, BCBSM supports impactful community initiatives and provides leadership in improving health care. For more information, visit and