2019 Blue Care Network Annual Report: Letter from President and CEO
Kathryn Levine
| 2 min read
President and CEO, Blue Care Network

At Blue Care Network, you and your employees are at the center of everything we do. What you expect from your investment in health care inspires us to find impactful solutions to anticipate and exceed your needs. You’ve told us that lower-cost plan options and access to quality care are top priorities. On average, Healthy Blue LivingSM continued to save our group customers up to 9% on medical and pharmacy premiums. Our health and benefit management programs saved us $90 million because more members got the right care at the right time and place. More recently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we waived the cost of telehealth medical visits so you and your employees could safely receive care. And like you, we want your employees — our members — to fully understand their plan. That means offering them the guidance on everything from their coverage, costs and where to go for appropriate care. Your employees have more personalized, self-service digital tools to access their plan information, meaning less questions for you. Plus, we regularly update bcbsm.com/engagewith relevant educational materials for you to share with your employees. Knowing your needs shapes our vision. Look for us to continue asking what you need and where we can improve, especially as COVID-19 drives a new normal for us all. We’ll be there to help you along the way, while continuing to deliver the quality of care you’ve come to expect from us. Read the online 2019 Blue Care Network Annual Report.