Beyond The Card: #MIKidsCan Play Like a Lion {Gallery}
Lucy Ciaramitaro
| 2 min read

Sixty kids from across Michigan took over the Detroit Lions’ turf on August 18 for an unforgettable experience. Kids tackled a 60-minute on-field workout with Lions’ trainers and mascot, Roary. They met quarterback Matthew Stafford and wide receiver Golden Tate, heard a pep talk from Coach Jim Caldwell, and formed the “fan tunnel,” where Lions players rush onto the field prior to the game. Twenty participating kids earned their spots through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s #MIKidsCan Play Like a Lion Contest, which called on parents and guardians to nominate kids who go above-and-beyond to live a healthy lifestyle, motivating their friends and family to do the same. Winners were chosen from more than 400 nominations for their creativity in making exercise fun, and for their contagious, can-do attitudes. View the gallery below to meet some of our #MIKidsCan Play Like a Lion winners, and learn about the experience. [smartslider3 slider=16] The #MIKidsCan Play Like a Lion Experience supports Blue Cross’s ongoing commitment to encourage kids to establish healthy habits early in life that are more likely to be carried into adulthood. Over the last 11 years, Blue Cross has given more than $6.5 million in support of its Building Healthy Communities program, which supports kids’ health and wellness initiatives through local schools, reaching more than 180,000 children in nearly 400 Michigan schools. Photo Credit: Mike Miller, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, The Detroit Lions If you enjoyed this article, check out: