'It’s the Only Way We’re Going to Get Through This'

Blue Daily

| 2 min read

Group photo of Yad Ezra staff in their warehouse
Since 1990, Yad Ezra has been serving kosher food to vulnerable Jewish families in Southeast Michigan. Yad Ezra, which means “Helping Hand” in Hebrew, has continued its mission serving over 2,500 individuals monthly even throughout the pandemic.
Yad Ezra immediately switched to a delivery-based system while implementing precautions for staff and clients alike at their Berkley headquarters. The organization's recently retired Executive Director Lea Luger is still amazed that they pulled it all off without skipping a beat. “When you’re faced with a crisis, you figure out a way to handle it and we just persevered," she said.
Lea Luger When the COVID vaccines became available, Luger knew she could, and had to, do more for her clients. Working with the state’s “Protect Michigan” commission, and using her network of contacts from 30 years of experience and networking as head of Yad Ezra, Luger and her staff planned and executed a free COVID vaccination site in their parking lot. Luger is grateful for the opportunity to bring the vaccine to the pantry’s clients. “It’s the only way we’re going to get through this.” More from MIBluesPerspectives.com:
Photo credits: Yad Ezra
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association