Here at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, we know that being healthy isn’t always easy. Many people struggle with making decisions like eating right and exercising regularly; but these decisions can be easier with support. That’s why we’ve developed our Wellness Coaching program to provide you with the encouragement you need, to get healthy and stay healthy. After completing BCBSM’s Health Assessment, the results may suggest you’d benefit from our Wellness Coaching program. Once enrolled, our health coaches develop a personalized action plan to help you reach a healthier lifestyle. This partnership encourages accountability, identifies barriers, evaluates readiness to change, and provides health resources needed to meet your goals. Watch this video to find out how our Blue Cross health coaches can help members make positive lifestyle changes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUN32Qzf91k&feature=youtu.be If you want to learn more about our Wellness Coaching program, call the Engagement Center at 1‑800‑775‑BLUE (2583) to find out if your plan offers this program. Photo Credit: A Healthier Michigan