While specific insurance plans can vary greatly, there’s something every single person with health insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan or Blue Care Network has in common: access to the bcbsm.com member site that’s chockfull of helpful features. If you haven’t looked around the member site lately, you may not realize everything you can do there. Here’s a quick guide:
- Choose and change your primary care doctor. Decide what your criteria are—maybe it’s proximity to your home or whether the doctor is affiliated with a certain hospital—and search for a physician in your network. You can also log in to change your physician whenever you want. If you have an HMO, it’s even more important you have your primary care doctor up to date online since you need a referral from that doctor before seeing most specialists.
- See a snapshot of your overall plan. There are a lot of numbers to keep track of with your health insurance, and this is where you’ll see all of them. You can scan recent claims, find out how close you are to reaching your deductible, separate out who in your family has had what services, double-check copays and see all other important information—all in one spot.
- Estimate out-of-pocket costs. Curious about what certain procedures might set you back? Members* can use the online calculator to get an estimate without ever having to pick up the phone. As always, confirm the price with a representative from Blue Cross before getting a procedure done, as this number is just an estimate.
- Learn about exclusive member discounts. Access to great member-only deals is available to you through Blue365. You can save money on healthy food, gyms and more.
- Go paperless with your explanation of benefits statements. You can sign up to receive an email notification each time a new EOB is posted to your bcbsm.com member account. You’ll enjoy less paper clutter and quick online access to all your EOBs in one convenient and secure location.
To register, have your Blue Cross or Blue Care Network member ID card handy and go to bcbsm.com/register or to download the Blue Cross mobile app, visit bcbsm.com/app. For more tips to get all you can out of your Blue Cross or Blue Care Network membership, check out these blogs:
- Blue Cross’ Wellness Coaching Program Helps Members Meet Their Health Goals
- A Guide to Referrals for HMO Members
- Save Money and Feel Great With the Healthy Blue Xtras Savings Program
Photo credit: hackNY.org *Most non-Medicare members