Organized Systems of Care: Health Care That Works for Patients

Angela Hernandez
| 1 min read

What if there was a better way to work through your primary doctor to coordinate all of your health care? What if processes were streamlined so doctors and hospitals worked more closely together to improve your health? Organized Systems of Care, or OSCs, aim to do just that. OSCs are communities of doctors and hospitals within Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s PPO Network. By helping better connect members to caregivers within their own community, OSCs help provide customized, coordinated care that’s right for each patient. As of September 2015, there are 39 OSCs in Michigan, made up of more than 4,400 primary care physicians, 11,000 specialists and 106 hospitals. Working together means better health care experiences for individuals, better health for populations and cost effectiveness for everyone. If you liked this post, you might want to check out: