When you’re really sick, there are a lot of decisions to make - treatment options, provider referrals, medical supplies, the list may seem endless. Just because you are facing a serious illness doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s Case Management program is there for our members when they need it most; to help them make smarter health decisions, reduce hospitalizations and readmissions and improve quality of care. There are a few ways a person can be identified for our Case Management program - such as self-referral, provider recommendation and high cost claim data. Once identified, BCBSM’s licensed healthcare professionals will work with members (and their families) to develop a personalized care plan which includes issues, goals, actions, and outcomes at no added cost. Watch this video to find out more about how Blue Cross nurses can help members with their illnesses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKriHdNuK74 If you’re a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan member and want to learn more about Case Management, call the Engagement Center at 1‑800‑775‑BLUE (2583). Photo Credit: alexanderromero