Story of Breast Cancer Survival Highlights the Power of Early Detection and a Positive Attitude
Emily Morsello
| 1 min read

October marks National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has been working with several partners throughout the state to remind residents of the power of early detection and prevention. Breast cancer continues to impact the lives of people through the state. Most of us are connected in some way to someone who has battled breast cancer, whether it's a coworker, friend or relative. “Twelve percent of women, which is 1 in 8 women in the U.S., will actually get invasive breast cancer in their lifetime,” said Grace Derocha, a registered dietitian and health and wellness coach at BCBSM. Watch the video below to learn more about how to prevent breast cancer and witness Michelle Jacobson's story of survival. [youtube] Jacobson lives in Cedar Springs, Michigan, and has been cancer-free for two years.