Blues’ Traverse City sales and service center office to move to city center

Sven Gustafson

| 1 min read

A view of the City Centre Plaza building in downtown Traverse City.
In recent years, the Blues have made major investments in Michigan’s core cities by moving employees to downtown Grand Rapids, Lansing and Detroit. Now, we’re about to do it again Up North. In October, the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network customer service and sales office will relocate from a location near the Cherry Capital Airport to downtown Traverse City. The Blues will occupy the entire second floor of the City Centre Plaza at 202 E. State St., with a walk-in customer service center on the first floor. The new location, in the heart of Traverse City’s bustling downtown, reinforces the Blues’ long-running support for Michigan’s core cities. It also will improve customer service and give BCBSM and BCN more flexibility in adjusting to the changing health care market. The Traverse City office will continue to house mostly customer service, provider relations and sales team positions and serve both BCBSM and BCN customers, including Medicare Advantage members. About 25 people work there. The three-story, 11,000 square-foot City Centre Plaza was built in 1998. The current Traverse City office, at 1769 S. Garfield Ave., has been sold. Photo by zzazazz
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association