Blue Cross Donates to Charities When You Create an Online Account

Jillian Berndtson

| 3 min read

Couple looking at laptop and smiling
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan gives back to local charities during their “Sign Up and Give Back” campaign. Now through November 30, 2019, when you create an online account Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan will donate $5 to the charity of your choosing. In addition to a great cause, your online account will allow you to see complete coverage details, track costs and view member benefits anywhere at any time. Blue Cross has teamed up with charities in support of National Breast Cancer Awareness and Diabetes Awareness Month. The following are three you can choose to donate to through web registration:
  • The American Diabetes Association helps improve the lives of all people who are affected by diabetes through funding, advocacy, research and education. Hundreds of communities receive critical resources for patients, their families and caregivers. The ADA Research Foundation provides funding for critical research that leads to better treatments, advancements and healthier lives.
  • The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of young people with type 1 diabetes with new drugs, therapies and devices that make it easier to stay healthy. JDRF works with volunteers across the country to secure government support and funding for innovative type 1 diabetes research and programs.
  • Gilda’s Club of West Michigan Whether recently diagnosed, currently in treatment or post-treatment, Gilda’s Club is a warm and welcoming place for adults, children and families at all stages of cancer, as well as those experiencing grief due to any cause. The organization offers more than 300 free activities, support groups and workshops each month, facilitated by licensed professionals.
To donate, start by creating an online account at Once completed, click “choose a charity”. On the next page, select American Diabetes Association, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation or Gilda’s Club of West Michigan to complete the $5 donation once you’ve made your selection. If you'd like to share this information with your employees, you can find a shareable flier here. Legal disclaimer: Donations apply only to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan or Blue Care Network members who’ve registered for an online account. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan will donate $5 to one of three eligible 501(c)(3) public charitable organizations for each online account registered this month. Campaign will end when total donations reach $20,000 or on November 30, 2019, whichever comes first. There are no costs to you as a member to register your account and no costs to the charitable organizations. Donations made by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan are not tax deductible by members. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan respects your right to privacy. Please review our privacy practices. You may also like:
Photo credit: fizkes
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association