Where You Get Medical Services Matters. Start Earning with Blue Cross Rewards.
| 2 min read

You may not realize it, but every time you get a health care service or procedure done, you have a choice. You can decide things like which provider to see and which facility to go to. And yet many people don’t realize how much control they have over where they go and, ultimately, what they spend. Research from Harvard University found that only 13 percent of people investigate out-of-pocket costs before receiving medical care. Now there’s a new reason to do a little research before receiving care: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has launched a program to reward members who take time to research and choose cost-effective provider locations for select diagnostic imaging, and outpatient procedures.
Earning Rewards Eligible Blue Cross members* who have fully insured commercial PPO coverage can now earn e-gift cards when they choose cost-effective provider locations for select, non-emergency procedures with the new innovative Blue Cross RewardsSM program. By comparing more than 120 different non-emergency services and selecting the right one for you, you have the potential to get a $25 to $75 gift card for stores like Amazon, Target, Home Depot, and more. Family members on your plan can also earn Rewards up to $550 per calendar year per family member. To get started, you’ll need an online member account. Visit bcbsm.com/get-rewards or use the BCBSM mobile app. With Blue Cross Rewards, you’ll use your member account to shop for the eligible health care service or procedure you need, and then sign up for the reward. In addition to the Rewards program, your online account can help manage plan details, provide information on your benefits, coverage and more. Once you’ve signed up, you can find the most cost-effective provider locations based on factors like your specific service needed such as an MRI, colonoscopy or mammogram, and the area in which you live. Provider locations and services eligible for rewards will be denoted with a green trophy. Visit the location with that symbol, and you’ll earn an e-gift card once the claim for that procedure is processed. It’s your reward for choosing cost-effective care. Before shopping for non-emergency care, we encourage you to consult with your doctor. He or she knows you and your medical history best. Get started today at bcbsm.com/get-rewards. Looking for more resources about choosing the right place to go when you need health assistance? Check out these blogs: