Blue Cross Rewards Pays Employees to Reduce Health Care Costs
| 2 min read

Today, employees have more options than ever for their health care needs. While many Americans have become accustomed to price shopping online, comparing options and prices in medical care is still relatively new. Procedure costs can vary significantly, with one report showing an 800% cost variance for 10 routine procedures, such as MRIs and ultrasounds, between hospitals in Denver. As cost transparency from providers increase, businesses and their employees can now find savings, especially for non-emergency procedures. Earlier this year, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan introduced Blue Cross Rewards, a program that educates members about their costs for care, and incentivizes them for selecting cost-effective providers for non-emergency procedures, such as X-rays, MRIs and mammograms.
Eligible Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan members who have fully insured commercial PPO coverage can earn e-gift cards between $25 and $75 by choosing cost-effective providers for non-emergency procedures. To get started, members can:
- Log in to their account online or use our BCBSM mobile app. Members without a registered account can get started at
- Search for a reward-eligible procedure or service.
- Sign up for the reward.
- Choose a location with the green trophy symbol, signifying they’re a reward-eligible provider.
- Make an appointment with that provider location for the procedure or service needed.
The program does not limit care options for PPO members, but rather rewards them for finding and using affordable treatment providers. Participation by employees benefits your business by helping to reduce claims and overall health costs. If employees have symptoms that are not urgent or life-threatening, let them know that by doing some quick and easy research, they can earn rewards for finding the best, most affordable treatment options.
Refer your employees to this instructional video on How to use Blue Cross Rewards. The video provides step-by-step instructions on how to start earning rewards today. For more on Blue Cross Rewards, visit:
- New Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Rewards Program Encourages Employer Group Members to ‘Shop’ for Affordable Care
- Shopping for Care: How to Save Money and Get the Care You Need
- Blue Cross Rewards: Shop, Save, Get Rewarded
Photo Credit: Jopwell