Meditation,WebinarsNine-Minute Meditation: Peaceful and Serene Sunset Ended: 09.06.2023 ShareLet go of any thoughts or distractions and simply be present with the serenity of a setting sun from Port Austin, Michigan, while embracing the stillness and peace it offers. You May Also Like02.25.2025 | 5:00 PMThe Power of Pets Register02.26.2025 | 5:00 PM10-Minute Meditation: Breathing for Relaxation and CalmRegister02.27.2025 | 5:00 PMThe Power of Pets Register03.04.2025 | 5:00 PMFive Reasons Why You Should Join a Walking or Hiking ClubRegister03.05.2025 | 5:00 PM 12-Minute Meditation: Progressive Relaxation Register